We buy what we see and how it makes us feel.
- Michéle Grenier
The photographs you use to market your business are the soul of your brand. It is the images that bring your work to life, and it is the images that your clients will remember. The images you use to represent your business must not only show your product or service, but to do so in a way that visually represents your brand. I work with creatives in a variety of areas- from musicians to interior designers, chefs to boutique owners, to do just that.
I opened my studio ten years ago in New Haven, Connecticut, passionate about using my photography to help people connect with their families, their stories, and their own beauty. When I'm not at the studio I love to travel and collect new photographs for the fine art series. My work can be found in private collections around the world, and has been featured in The New York Times, CNN, National Geographic, Forbes, MSN, and Connecticut Cottages & Gardens. I live in New Haven with my husband, Yale University professor Dr. Paul Van Tassel, and our three kids.
For more information regarding photo sessions, including approximate times, available locations, what's included, and pricing, click here.